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Online magazine for teenagers

Mission: Kindness

Social and Emocional Learning | 28-09-2023

TIME for Kids (TFK) launched an online community for young people who are making the world a brighter place. Small actions can have big impact.

Clarissa Corradin

Kindness counts! TFK features kids who are spreading kindness at home, at school, and in their community. Could you be one of them? First, think of a plan to make the world a bit kinder, whether you’re organizing a big event or simply telling a friend that you care about them. Then put your plan into action. Watch for results. Was your plan a success?

Need Inspiration?

Create a “kind space” at school where anyone can feel safe and find company. What will it look like?

Stars Shine Brighter Together

One kid can make a difference. But when kids work together, the impact can be even greater.

Source: Time For Kids

“Forget injuries; never forget kindness.” – Confucius